- Massimo. The first one! - our Prima Centvria (you know who you are, both in Italy and outside Italy - from USA to Portugal, from Germany to Norway, from Switzerland to Austria and Bulgaria...), - all the people who ...
"DISOBBEDISCO!" @ APOSTAZJA (PL) by Il Levriero Staff
20/12/2006 at 00:02
Another great "Disobbedisco!" review @ APOSTAZJA (Original Polish version)!
Heres the English translation:
"Here we have another musical pearl from the sunny and decadent Italy. Ladies and gentlemen: IANVA. One cannot call this group neo-folk, nor industrial, nor ...
12/12/2006 at 00:35
Another great review @ "La Repubblica" by Lucia Marchiò!
"Un musical daltri tempi pensando agli chansonnier. Ecco un disco che riesce a essere poetico, a parlare damore e a inviare forti messaggi attingendo al "mood" di quellItalia sospesa tra le ...